
Image: Shutterstock IN THIS ARTICLE Congenital hypothyroidism is an endocrine disorder wherein the baby’s thyroid gland does not produce thyroid hormones or makes very little of them. The baby has an under-functioning thyroid gland at birth, hence the term, congenital. The condition is also called neonatal hypothyroidism. Newborns are routinely screened for the disorder before
Image: Shutterstock Education and knowledge are much more than just learning how to read and write. It is about building an opinion, gaining resourceful information, and implementing it in everyday life. The process of learning involves registering relevant information, organizing it with cognition, and adding it to the existing knowledge activated through long-term memory (1).
Image: Shutterstock IN THIS ARTICLE Healthy smoothies for toddlers and children have become a popular trend among parents. Smoothies enable parents to feed their children the fruits and vegetables that they otherwise would not eat. They are considered healthier than juices as the whole food is retained in a smoothie with the intact fiber (1).
Image: iStock IN THIS ARTICLE A sleeping baby is the new happy hour. To enjoy this happy hour, parents need to ensure babies have a safe and sound sleeping environment. The American Academy of Pediatrics highly recommends having a safe sleep environment for babies. A bassinet can come in handy to put your newborn to
Source: iStock IN THIS ARTICLE Colors fascinate babies. The ability to identify colors is a milestone of their cognitive development. Most toddlers start differentiating colors by the age of 18 months. However, their ability to name different colors can develop by 36 months (1). That said, you may start introducing colors to your children whenever
Image: Shutterstock IN THIS ARTICLE Babies have delicate eyes (1) that are likely to get irritated easily, becoming itchy and red. In most cases, the redness will subside by itself without the need for medical intervention. However, if you see redness accompanied by watery eyes or discharge, you should consult a doctor. The post discusses
Image: iStock IN THIS ARTICLE Stacking identical blocks, comparing two similar toys, putting together two sets of same books, and similar tasks reflect your toddler’s ability to match things. Knowing how one is matched to the other is some practical knowledge that they acquire by observing their surroundings. You can support their eagerness to learn
Image: Shutterstock Being outdoors can be such a joyous feeling. A breath of fresh air, some fun toys or activities, and a little mess can keep children engaged and entertained for a long time. Moreover, outdoor play can help children improve their learning skills, promote sound sleep, aid in developing better social relationships, and grow
Image: iStock IN THIS ARTICLE Social-emotional development of a toddler is a gradual and integrative process. It refers to the process of inculcating self-awareness, social skills, and self-control to maintain healthy relationships (1). Through this process, a toddler learns how to express, experience, understand, and manage emotions. And it enables them to build meaningful and
Image: Shutterstock IN THIS ARTICLE Sushi is a delicious staple rice dish of Japanese cuisine. This famous and traditional dish is served cold and consists of cooked rice, flavored with delectable seasonings, and various vegetables with egg or raw seafood. The various ingredients make it nutritious. However, there is a concern about eating sushi when
Image: Shutterstock IN THIS ARTICLE The baby’s skin is soft and sensitive. Appropriate moisturizing, protection from the sun, and regular cleaning can keep the baby’s skin free of germs, dryness, and rash. Most parents consider moisturizing the baby’s skin to protect the skin. However, the baby lotion is essential during dry seasons to keep the
Image: iStock IN THIS ARTICLE Twinkle twinkle little stars, Johnny Johnny, yes papa! Feels nostalgic, isn’t it? Children are easily drawn to songs and rhymes that have catchy beats. Preschool nursery rhymes allow children to explore languages, alphabet and numerals in a fun way, which stays in their memory forever. The learning process automatically becomes
Image: Shutterstock IN THIS ARTICLE When it comes to drinking cold milk, there may be a few things to take into consideration. First, storing the milk in the refrigerator will keep it fresh, and if your baby prefers cold milk, you may offer it. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, you can
Image: Shutterstock The development of speech in toddlers is considered one of the major milestones of cognitive abilities (1). However, it might sometimes be difficult for some toddlers to start comprehending their feelings into thoughts. Therefore, speech therapists recommend using a speech therapy app for toddlers to help improve their communication skills and encourage them
Image: iStock IN THIS ARTICLE Is your little one doodling all over the walls of your house? Fret not! It’s time to introduce painting to them. It is a playful sensory experience and a creative activity for toddlers. It fills them with imaginative ideas and the use of various colors can get them happy and
Image: Shutterstock IN THIS ARTICLE A fun circle time activity promotes positive relationships and helps children develop stronger bonds with their peers. These activities are a creative way to keep preschoolers engaged, and each child can get the opportunity to feel equally involved as it is a platform that encourages positive interaction. Circle time fosters
Image: iStock IN THIS ARTICLE Summers are all about fun and frolic. Isn’t it? Camping, outdoor activities, ice creams, and several interesting activities can keep your munchkin engaged and entertained. However, summer times may get busy for parents, and with children at home, you may find it challenging to organize any activity. This post puts together a list