
Image: Shutterstock The largest Caribbean Island, Cuba, is situated in the north of the Caribbean Sea. A beautiful island country with Havana as its capital city, Cuba is known for its picturesque beaches, architectural marvels, rum, cigars, and people. Cuba is proud of having a blend of people with surnames whose roots can be traced
Image: Shutterstock IN THIS ARTICLE Sleep training teaches the baby to sleep at a stretch for several hours without waking up in the middle of the night. It helps them sleep without the assistance of the mother or an adult. Approximately babies require up to 12 hours of sleep through the night and some naps
Image: iStock IN THIS ARTICLE Breastfeeding women may face issues regarding low milk flow, particularly during the first few days after delivery. To maintain a good milk flow, mothers should start the process at the earliest and breastfeed more frequently. Also, good baby latching ensures effective milk flow. However, breastfeeding is usually not a concern
Image: iStock IN THIS ARTICLE Toddlers feel excited for birthdays, due to all the special treatment, balloons, cake, and other celebrations on their big day. Birthday parties develop their socializing skills while letting them have fun. Keeping toddlers engaged in any one activity for long is impossible, as their attention span is quite short. Toddlers
Image: Shutterstock IN THIS ARTICLE Few surnames remind us of strength. It could be due to the family’s heritage or the name in itself is a derivation of the word “strong” or “power.” Also, a few historical figures, previously commoners, have made their first and last names an imminent part of human history with their
And why are some people so hardcore about choosing one approach over the other? “Baby-led weaning” was coined by authors Tracey Murkett and Gill Rapley in 2008 when they published their initial book in the UK. It refers to a baby starting solids solely by self-feeding with food they can grasp, without any purées or
Weaning my first baby was easy. I caught a stomach virus from his daycare when he was 16 months old, spent two miserable days hugging the toilet, and when I finally emerged pale, shaky, and questioning my life choices, my son had replaced me with a bottle.  I’ve had no such luck with my youngest,
Babywearing is a great way to keep your little one close, happy and secure while supporting their intense need for attachment in the early weeks and months—they just want to snuggle up and recreate the womb! It often leads to a calmer baby—and a calmer parent, too. Plus, for some infants, carrier naps are sometimes
You’ve probably heard of the biggest brands (like Ergobaby and BabyBjörn), but there are tons of baby carrier options for different stages, body types and lifestyles. 1. One and done Photo: Didymos The DidyKlick is a great all-purpose carrier from infancy to toddler years (no newborn insert needed). Because it combines the comfort of a
A sleep consultant explains why some of the things you read Googling at 3 a.m. aren’t true. When we finally spilled the beans to friends and family that we were pregnant, we were flooded with obligatory Facebook messages and texts from well-wishers. “Congratulations!” they said. “We’re so excited for you!” Then two of my well-meaning
The exciting months leading up to your baby’s arrival are a whirlwind of planning and preparation. From choosing a name to creating a baby registry, there are so many exciting choices to make! And let’s not forget all the options when it comes to decorating the nursery. Instagram is full of ideas and Pinterest is
image: Shutterstock IN THIS ARTICLE Weaning is a process of the baby’s transition from breast milk to other food sources. It is a natural process within a child’s developmental journey. While some babies wean within the first year, some may continue to breastfeed through toddlerhood.If you have decided that it is time for your toddler