Real Parents Talk COVID


The start of 2022 has been a rollercoaster for many parents. More coronavirus cases have been recorded this month than at any other point in the COVID-19 pandemic, fueled by the highly contagious Omicron variant. And although many have characterized the variant as “mild,” Omicron in kids has led to school and day care disruptions, while Omicron in pregnancy remains very risky, especially for unvaccinated moms-to-be. 

If you feel like COVID-19 has been taking over your life this month, you’re not alone. Moms and moms-to-be in the What to Expect Community have been discussing COVID-19 at record levels since the start of 2022. Here’s a look at what they’ve been talking about. 

They’re worried about contracting COVID-19 while pregnant.

“I’m 28 weeks pregnant and feeling SO overwhelmed with everything that is going on: COVID, long wait times for PCR test, feeling isolated since I don’t leave home besides hospital and pregnancy appointments. I am exhausted with all of this anxiety. I am vaccinated, and got my booster 12 days ago, but it’s overwhelming seeing so many breakthrough cases.” – yycmom22

“I’m a teacher and our school has so many positive cases. One of my students tested positive yesterday. I’m about 6 weeks pregnant and really worried I will miscarry or it will affect my pregnancy, as I recently miscarried and I’m finally pregnant again. My only symptoms are nausea, chills and no fever. Anyone else freaking out?” – osingh88 

They’re figuring out how to care for sick little ones.

“Has anyone here dealt with taking care of a child with COVID while pregnant while simultaneously trying not to get anyone else sick? How did you make it through the quarantine period? We’re struggling over here! My 7-year-old son has COVID. I am so bummed for him.” – Mama2bhere 

“I am so upset. [My daughter] has only been at day care for two weeks, and she already has COVID. Poor thing is so miserable and has fever, vomiting, congestion, you name it. We took her to the pediatrician yesterday and her rapid test was negative, so we thought we were in the clear, but then they also did the one that you send off, and that was positive. ??” – gmk0925

They’re thinking about canceling their baby showers.

“Supposed to have my baby shower this weekend. I’m super nervous with rising COVID cases in Florida. I’ll be 38 weeks [pregnant], and if I get it, my appointments leading up to my due date will all be canceled. We are keeping it small (10-15 people) and outside, but not sure if that’s enough to stop the spread. I just had COVID last month and thought I was immune, but with Omicron, it appears you can have two strains back-to-back or simultaneously. (?!!) Not sure what to do.” – LBSxo

“My due date is May 23 and I set a date for my baby shower, but I’m debating canceling it because COVID rates are rising again. I still haven’t sent out invites. HELP!!” – MarDDR

They’re trying to keep their newborns safe. 

“I’m very pro-vax and wish all of our family members would get it, but with the new Omicron variant, it seems to be spreading to vaccinated folks at a higher rate than previous variants. So we’re just going to ask everyone to please take the same precautions. Again, all of this could change and probably will! If another variant emerges between now and May that shows to be more dangerous for little ones, we’ll likely say no visitors at all. We’re just going to listen to what the infectious disease experts and virologists are saying and go from there!” – erfg 

“My husband and I were both positive. We have three kids. Our 3-year-old was the only one to show very minor [COVID] symptoms, just sniffles and a slight cough one night. We didn’t test them. However, once our quarantine ended, due to child care, we gave [our kids] an at-home test. Our 3-month-old was positive, but completely asymptomatic. I was vaccinated while pregnant and breastfeed (also supplemented with formula). Overall, my husband and I had very mild symptoms, and we were thankful our little family had an easier experience with it.” – MaeMae6700

They’re making hard choices about child care — and some moms are feeling guilty about it.

“I’m trying to figure out if I should still send my toddler to day care when the new baby comes. Sending my 2-year-old means potentially more risk for COVID (or other illnesses) with a newborn. I can save care costs, but it will be a LOT of work with a newborn around. What do I do?” – jlmartens

“My 2-year-old tested positive for COVID. A child in her day care class was positive and most likely transmitted it to her. I’m 6 weeks pregnant and am so worried about my 2-year-old and the little one in me. So far, I don’t have noticeable symptoms. I just received my booster shot two weeks ago. I feel so guilty because I feel like it’s my fault that my toddler has COVID (if I didn’t put her in day care, she wouldn’t have contracted it). I’m not sure why I’m posting this. I guess I’m just looking for words of encouragement and comfort.” – raindrops27

“So it got my whole house. After our teen got it, we fell like dominoes, symptomatic and positive one day after another. I’m on day four, and my symptoms have barely let up.” –MaebyFunke 

They’re pregnant and recovering from COVID-19.

“I’m vaccinated and boosted, but 39 weeks pregnant. I’m on day 12 [of having COVID-19] and still feeling gross. Days one to four were definitely the hardest. At this point I just have a cough, congestion, fatigue and loss of smell and taste. I definitely am feeling better, but I still feel sick and it’s starting to make me crazy. I can’t remember the last time I had a virus that lasted this long.” – MayorCutie918

“I tested positive for COVID today. I’ll be 30 weeks [pregnant] on Sunday, and I’m so worried. Someone give me some reassurance that my baby will be okay … I’m scared. Side note: My husband and I are both vaccinated and I wear a mask daily (I’m a teacher).” – mmgbrg 

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