Month: July 2021

Dmitry Ageev / EyeEm via Getty ImagesDespite increased awareness, many mental health issues continue to fly under the radar.  Mental health awareness has spread significantly in the past decade in the United States and around the world. Public health groups have made it clear that mental health is every bit as important as physical health,
Having kids transforms your sleep schedule, dinner choices and Google search history. Parenthood also has a big impact on your personal style. The funny parents of Twitter have shared relatable musings about their fashion sense since having children ― from new preferences for dark, stain-concealing colors to a greater affinity for all things stretchy and
Being a parent means constantly getting unsolicited advice about raising kids. This guidance is occasionally semi-helpful, but it’s more often useless and/or baffling. The funny parents of Twitter know how to share real nuggets of wisdom, however. We’ve rounded up 45 tweets offering hilarious (and, at times, actually helpful) “parenting tips.” Enjoy! Advertisement Parenting tip:
When Chrystia Freeland revealed the Liberal government’s 2021 budget, which included an ambitious five-year plan for improving child care costs and access across the country, it was met with equal parts excitement and skepticism. After all, Canadians have heard this before, especially those of us who pay exorbitant daycare fees in cities like Toronto and Vancouver.
“His life will be so different from mine, but I can’t help but worry. Until every country in the world allows gay marriage and gives everyone equal rights, I will always be scared.” Growing up, most of my friends were girls, and this is still true today. My best friend, Debbie, is a girl I
Playtime is just plain fun, and it’s also an essential way to keep minds and bodies active and thriving. As the warm weather hits and school ends, it’s the perfect time for families to explore and rediscover activities, games and toys, all while building those all-important developmental skills. School’s out but that doesn’t mean the
Kids love doing “adult” jobs, and these ten tasks are sure to make them feel helpful while you’re busy doing the real work. Encouraging kids to help with outdoor chores probably won’t lighten your actual workload, but it’ll give them a sense of accomplishment and pride—and keep them occupied. Here are some ideas. 1. Water
When being short is normal Take a peek into a preschool class and you’ll see a wide range of heights, but chances are, most children are perfectly within normal range. “When you look at a growth curve, the 50th percentile means if you have 100 kids, 50 kids would be taller than that line and