Over the weekend, Lindsay Flach competed in the heptathlon at the 2021 U.S. Olympic trials—at 18 weeks pregnant.
Flach, who has also competed in the 2012 and 2016 heptathlons at the U.S. Olympic trials, announced the news via Instagram with a picture of her growing bump. “3rd Olympic Trials. This one looks a little different,” she wrote in a caption. “The secret is no secret anymore.”
The heptathlon is a track and field event with seven competitions, including the 100-meter hurdle, high jump, shot put, 200-meter sprint, long jump, javelin throw and 800-meter run. Flach was cleared to compete and took all the necessary precautions, and according to HuffPost, she competed in every event and even finished 100 meters of the 800-meter run, despite the record heat over the weekend. She came in 15th out of the 18 competitors for the event.
With her accomplishments at the trials, Flach joins a list of female athletes, such as Serena Williams, Kristie Moore and many other incredible moms and moms-to-be who have competed while pregnant.
“To be honest, I was going to the tryouts and I was trying to keep it on the down low, because I just wanted to finish my career on my terms…There are so many stories about running while pregnant and working out while pregnant, so I’m glad I could be a piece of proving a woman can do it,” Flach told Today Parents. “Women and moms are so strong—their body is very capable…You are the only one who knows your body…Even these 18 weeks I have learned mamas need way more praise than they receive and are capable of way more than people allow or give them credit for.”