The most wonderful time of the year is upon us, and the Post Office is bombarded with letters to Santa. Tiny tots’ eyes are all a-glow, and somewhere, someone is trying to roast nuts over an open flame. The holiday season has arrived, but doesn’t it seem like it has been here for a few months already? Families enjoy their own list of top Christmas movies, but by October, many families have already made their way to the end of their lists. Each year, the department stores start peddling their holiday decor earlier and earlier, as early as September in some places. The holiday season seems to last so long that it is hard to keep the magic running throughout its term.
At its core, the holiday season reminds society that we need to end the year focused on what truly matters: family, relationships, and serving others, at least, that’s the underlying theme of the top Christmas movies of this last century (It’s A Wonderful Life, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, and Love Actually, to name a few).
Read More: 7 Tips To Avoid Becoming A Grinch This Holiday Season
Do the movies we enjoy as a family have to be about Christmastime, though? Are there movies out there that will help us focus on the main themes of the holiday season without bombarding us with saccharine speeches in the airport terminal, or front porch lovers under the guise of carol singers? Can’t we enjoy the goodness of the holiday season without all of the “extra”?
Read More: 26 Family Board Games For Family Game Night
Yes. If you are Christmas-ed out already, you can still experience the magic of the holiday season and enjoy top Christmas movies, even though Daily Mom’s list is a tad definitely unconventional. Keep reading to discover which movies you should add to your (unconventional) top Christmas movies list this year.
5 (Unconventional) Top Christmas Movies
Christmas may be the most wonderful time of the year, but for those of us who don’t live for Hallmark movies once November 1st rolls around, the movies that grant us the underlying theme of fun and togetherness will definitely fit the bill for some of our top Christmas movies during the holiday season. Of course, when you are with the right people, it doesn’t matter which movies you watch, because it’s the being together that creates the emotional attachment to whatever activity you’re engaging in. That’s where the magic of Christmas comes from!
Check out this article on Best Of Netflix: TV Shows.
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