Fighting Mom Burnout: The Mindful Parenting Guide For Finding Better Balance


What is motherhood? It is the hardest job on God’s green earth. That is exactly what it is. It is a job that will shake mountains and ignite fires. It is true that there is nothing bigger or stronger than a mother’s love for her children. She builds this strength and love, brick by brick on a daily basis, every single day. To a Mom, it doesn’t matter what day it is, what her body or mind is telling her, or no matter how she feels. She’s got to keep going because time is of the essence and her children need her. Despite the adoration of her children and the gratitude she feels for being their mother, mom burnout is real.

Daily-mom-parent-portal-Fighting Mom Burnout: The Mindful Parenting Guide For Finding Better Balance

Parents don’t necessarily have time to be mindful and aware of what they do every day to keep a household running. It’s Go Go Go and hustle all day, every day. Parents simply do everything they can in waking hours and at the end of each day, they hope that they did enough.

Parents, and especially mothers, must try to remember that as parents we are allowed to STOP. We can steer the ship, but only after we have filled our cup can we strive to parent mindfully. This starts with taking care of ourselves and taking the time to ground ourselves. Motherhood is a journey that we do not need to travel alone. Inspirational Moms and Dads around the world lend their powerful stories and insightful journeys to spark positive energy.

Table of Contents

Mindful Parenting Websites To Curb Mom Burnout:

Daily-mom-parent-portal-Fighting Mom Burnout: The Mindful Parenting Guide For Finding Better Balance

Let’s start with a few websites to consider visiting for information on mindful parenting and mindfulness in general. The idea is to dedicate time on a regular basis to develop these practices. To gain insight and achieve a Zen-like state is to change your mindset from within. It takes effort, intention, and true dedication to do this work.

This website offers some wonderful resources such as postpartum and newborn classes for $25/hr, to breastfeeding and childbirth classes. Being mindful of what Mom and baby need can help aid in finding resources, such as those available at The Mindful Mommy LLC, and prevent mom burnout.

This website offers private and group counseling. With their focus on healthy moms, families, and communities, Mind Body Moms offers free resources like videos and worksheets, as well as, classes that vary in cost depending on the length of the class. Classes and retreats to curb mom burnout meet online and in person, making it accessible for everyone!

This site offers adults (and the little ones) some mindfulness tools. You can download activities and worksheets for yourself and your kiddos while you brush up on your mindful parenting readings. Mindfulmazing works diligently to give parents, especially moms, tools to deal with a variety of parenting issues, events, and stages in order to prevent mom burnout and create healthy relationships and individuals.

This self-care app and website offers parents free resources to get their daily dose of mindfulness. Voted as the #1 meditation & mindfulness app, it offers guided meditations and breathing techniques to kick start your journey into self-awareness. The uplifting quotes, journal topics, and affirmations can help mothers avoid mom burnout and be the example their children need.

Certified mindfulness teacher and parenting coach, Hunter-Clarke Fields is the creator of mindful parenting and the host of the Mindful Mama podcast as well as the author of the book Raising Good Humans. Her Instagram is also a great quick way to get in touch and get daily mindful reminders to help you steer clear of mom burnout throughout the day; definitely a must-have on your mindfulness parenting list.

A online ongoing program of research that increases the understanding of relationships. They offer coaching and help for couples and parents looking to strengthen and better manage their relationships with one another. This link between research and practice reflects the collaboration of John and Julie Gottman.

Read More: It’s Okay To Feel Stressed Out (And To Ask For Help)

Inspirational Reads To Deflect Mom Burnout

Daily-mom-parent-portal-Fighting Mom Burnout: The Mindful Parenting Guide For Finding Better Balance

Listed below are inspirational reads for those looking to add some guidance and inspiration to their lives. These can help with seeing new perspectives (and possibly changing your own) during your mindful parenting journey. After all, a journey includes many twists, turns, and changes in order to arrive at the destination: decreasing mom burnout and achieving mindful parenting.

Podcasts & Instagram’s

Psyched Mommy is an online mental health resource center designed and lead by Mom and Dr. Ashurina Ream to help parents, specifically moms, navigate thru parenthood and motherhood with more confidence and joy. She offers a few online courses that vary in price, all very affordable and easy to navigate and attend at your own pace. Check her Instagram for daily insights and announcements on new courses.

This woman is a fiery force of nature; Gervase is all about shedding yourself as a woman and a mom; saying as it is for women struggling with motherhood or simply trying to find their way into self-discovery. She offers classes and coaching on her website with various price points so check her Instagram and podcast out for some amazing conversations and insights as you become the mindful parent you wish to be.

Life and mom coach, Jessie Eredia, works on empowering women to overcome anxiety and anger. She offers one on one sessions and continues to share on her podcasts that are packed full of wonderful information on everything “mom and dad”.

Sarah Nicole Landry is a social media sensation who received a huge buzz in the last couple of years due to her deep honest conversations about what it takes to be a mother of multiple kids of various ages, as well as, a single mother and a woman getting to know and love her mind, body, and life again!

Two besties Deana, the Child Therapist/Parent Coach, and Kristin a Parent Coach started Big Little Feelings on Instagram to share with parents how to not only survive but thrive while raising their little ones. They debunk old parental styles and myths and candidly share their success stories on everything toddler. Check their online courses and Instagram for down-to-earth, real-life mom talks guiding you to become the confident mindful parent you aim to be.

Clinical Psychologist Dr. Becky’s ‘Good Inside’ podcast is a brilliant resource for all parents, especially new moms. You can join her on a weekly podcast as she answers questions from parents all in under 30 mins; in addition to her podcast, Dr. Becky offers amazing advice daily on Instagram and of course, offers workshops. Workshops vary from $54 to $95 all depending on what topics and number of lessons are provided.

Tara Brack is a Psychologist, Meditation Teacher, Author, Psychotherapist, and just overall your go-to mindfulness and meditation guru. You can find many of her talks on YouTube and of course on her website where she offers courses that can be purchased for a reasonable fee, in addition, that you can find her courses with other mentors on the Insight Timer App.

Daily-mom-parent-portal-Fighting Mom Burnout: The Mindful Parenting Guide For Finding Better Balance


In addition to the above resources, below is a list of the most inspirational reads out there helping moms and parents understand what it means to raise another human being, sharing a life with another adult/partner forever, and what it takes to become a better parent and human-being on a daily basis. Dedicate precious time reading mindfulness information for yourself, and in return, your family.

Read More: How Stressed Parents Impact A Child

Helpful Parenting Apps

Daily-mom-parent-portal-Fighting Mom Burnout: The Mindful Parenting Guide For Finding Better Balance

Mindful parenting doesn’t necessarily mean this euphoric shift where you become this awesome person after a few weeks course or a conference you attend. It is daily intentions, daily effort, and willpower to do it all again; for you and for your family; it takes a solid ship for the journey to flow the way it’s supposed to, steering clear of mom burnout along the way. It starts with you.

Mindfulness Apps

Below are some helpful Apps to use for your daily dose of meditation, yoga & mindfulness to deter mom burnout. These apps offer an array of options for beginners all the way to your advanced yogi’s; the apps have options for guided meditations, live videos from mindfulness teachers around the world as well as yoga classes, courses, and more!

Read More: Understanding How Your Brain And Personality Traits Protect Against Distress

Productive Parenting Apps

Daily-mom-parent-portal-Fighting Mom Burnout: The Mindful Parenting Guide For Finding Better Balance

In addition to the above meditation, mindful parenting, and mindfulness apps, moms and dads alike can make use of these productivity apps that can help kick start the mindful parenting process by clearing and organizing mental, household, and office space. Todoist, Picniic, and Evernote are great for organizing your day-to-day for yourself, as well as for and with your family! Share it with your partner or roommate for easier, faster communication on daily and weekly tasks you want to discuss our share! Achieving organization is key to avoiding mom burnout.

Last but not least, check out Mindful Center if you or anyone you can benefit from one on one “unconventional therapy”. There are therapies, such as mindfulness-based therapy, somatic, expressive art therapy, emotionally focused therapy, dance/movement therapy, and so much more available! These abundant resources are available to meet individual needs and help prevent mom burnout.

With just a few simple tips on meditation and being more present, your parenting style can see an amazing transformation in just a very short time, including treating or preventing mom burnout. Our kids learn by watching us and we are their role models. We literally show them how life works. This is called “modeling”. If we don’t handle stress well, most likely, neither will they. Finding time to center and ground yourself and fill your cup, will in time, lead you to the results you’re looking for. Achieving the best version of yourself, for yourself, and your family takes time and dedication. Namaste, Momma.

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Daily-mom-parent-portal-Fighting Mom Burnout: The Mindful Parenting Guide For Finding Better Balance

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