Month: August 2019

Photo: iStockphoto Milk is a mainstay in many children’s diets, found in everything from infant formulas to birthday cakes. But if your child is allergic, it can be tough to avoid. If milk is off the menu, it’s important to replace it with alternative sources of calcium and vitamin D. Here’s what you need to
In cystic fibrosis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a much-feared pathogen. The bacterium easily colonizes the lungs of people with cystic fibrosis, leading to chronic infections that are almost impossible to eradicate and are ultimately fatal. Why does P. aeruginosa, but not other common bacteria, thrive in cystic fibrosis lungs? A new study from researchers at Columbia
Photo: iStockphoto Dipping a plain cracker or carrot in hummus is a great way to boost its nutritional content and flavour, but if your child has a sesame allergy, even a tiny taste of the spread can cause a serious reaction. Sesame is a major cause of life-threatening allergic reactions in the Middle East, where
Investigators at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center developed the test for early detection of Barrett’s esophagus that offers promise for preventing deaths from esophageal adenocarcinoma. The test involves a novel swallowable balloon device that samples the esophagus and a DNA assay that detects Barrett’s esophagus and esophageal
Like skin tone, lip color can vary from person to person. No shade of skin on the lips is healthier than any other. In some cases, a change in the color or condition of the lips could indicate that the lips need more care. However, it is rarely a cause for concern. Tobacco smoking, stress,
Characterized by repetitive movements or vocalizations known as tics, Tourette Syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder that plagues many adolescents. A study conducted by Yale researchers has trained adolescents with Tourette Syndrome to control their tics through an imaging technique that allows patients to monitor the function of their own brain in real time. This study
Photo: iStockphoto Most parents aren’t expecting their newborn to be admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). “Ultimately their baby is in the NICU because either they came early or the baby is sick,” says Jeanette Doherty, a social worker who specializes in the NICU at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. “Parents are very
Photo: iStockphoto Savouring a sticky ice cream cone on a sunny summer afternoon is one of the greatest joys of childhood. But for some kids, indulging in the sweet treat is soon followed by a tummy ache, which might mean that they’re lactose intolerant. The condition typically develops after age three but doesn’t necessarily mean
With the school year kicking into high gear once again, you’re going to be pretty busy rushing to pick-up and chauffeuring your kid to all their extracurricular activities. If you don’t have time to prepare all the cute Pinterest-worthy snacks you envisioned for your little ones, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered with these delicious packaged
Image: Shutterstock Muckanaghederdauhaulia is the name of a town in Ireland. Lonnnnnnggg but sounds interesting! And if you thought names of towns and cities in Ireland are such, you will be surprised to learn about their family names. Anglicized versions of these names are shortened and became more popular than the original ones. But imagine
Image: Shutterstock It is fascinating to know how Greek ancestry can be identified with the last name of an individual. Greek surnames started appearing only in the 15th century. They have different roots and etymology. Most of the surnames are influenced by family names, paternal, and maternal names.  Several of these Greek surnames are genitive,
Vitamin D deficiency in middle childhood could result in aggressive behavior as well as anxious and depressive moods during adolescence, according to a new University of Michigan study of school children in Bogotá, Colombia. Children with blood vitamin D levels suggestive of deficiency were almost twice as likely to develop externalizing behavior problems- aggressive and